Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de seal

to sealsellar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I sealyo sello
you sealtú sellas
he sealsél sella
she sealsella sella
we sealnosotros sellamos
you sealvosotros selláis
they sealellos sellan
they sealellas sellan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I sealedyo sellé
you sealedtú sellaste
he sealedél selló
she sealedella selló
we sealednosotros sellamos
you sealedvosotros sellasteis
they sealedellos sellaron
they sealedellas sellaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have sealedyo he sellado
you have sealedtú has sellado
he has sealedél ha sellado
she has sealedella ha sellado
we have sealednosotros hemos sellado
you have sealedvosotros habéis sellado
they have sealedellos han sellado
they have sealedellas han sellado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had sealedyo había sellado
you had sealedtú habías sellado
he had sealedél había sellado
she had sealedella había sellado
we had sealednosotros habíamos sellado
you had sealedvosotros habíais sellado
they had sealedellos habían sellado
they had sealedellas habían sellado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will sealyo sellaré
you will sealtú sellarás
he will sealél sellará
she will sealella sellará
we will sealnosotros sellaremos
you will sealvosotros sellaréis
they will sealellos sellarán
they will sealellas sellarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have sealedyo habré sellado
you will have sealedtú habrás sellado
he will have sealedél habrá sellado
she will have sealedella habrá sellado
we will have sealednosotros habremos sellado
you will have sealedvosotros habréis sellado
they will have sealedellos habrán sellado
they will have sealedellas habrán sellado

I would sealyo sellaría
you would sealtú sellarías
he would sealél sellaría
she would sealella sellaría
we would sealnosotros sellaríamos
you would sealvosotros sellaríais
they would sealellos sellarían
they would sealellas sellarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have sealedyo habría sellado
you would have sealedtú habrías sellado
he would have sealedél habría sellado
she would have sealedella habría sellado
we would have sealednosotros habríamos sellado
you would have sealedvosotros habríais sellado
they would have sealedellos habrían sellado
they would have sealedellas habrían sellado

Participio presenteAnotado
sealing sellando

Participio pasadoAnotado
sealed sellado

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